Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

ucapan natal?

Orang Perancis bilang : Joyeux Noel.
Kata orang Yunani : Kala Christouyenna.
Jepang bilangnya : Shinnen Omedetou.
Italia berbicara : Buone Feste Natalizie.
Saya sahut aja : MerryX’mas Plendh, May d peace n happiness of Christmas always b with u n u’r famz. GBU.
I may not C U rite now,
But Messages show that I remember U.
Merry Christmas to all of you.
Days are so fast!
So i wanna be the 1st 2 say “MERRY CHRISTMAS”.
Do u know what Christmas is?
It’s : Christ Has Risen In Spite The Most Adverse Sacrifices, have a great Christmas.
B-egin with
L-ove in CHRIST
E-xpect blessing
S-hare goodness
S-hine like the sun
l-nspire everybody
N-ever forget that
G-OD is always with u.